Meeting between Sapienza University of Rome and Yangzhou University

Categorized as News from China
Image Source:, Yangzhou University

IURC-China organised a working group meeting on the 17th of March 2022, for the cluster on Education, Jobs, Skills and Innovation centres with a specific focus on the field of Digital Integrated Urban Design. The main objective of this online meeting was to continue supporting the successful cooperation between the city of Yangzhou and Rome (IUC phase, Lazio in IURC phase) by sharing solutions and learning from each other through cross-cultural academic cooperation.

Representatives from Sapienza University of Rome and Yangzhou University met online to discuss the continuing cooperation on the Online Summer School GIS-BIM for a Digital Integrated Design, focusing on the joint summer school and the long-term academic collaboration.

Both sides proposed possible education topics, the expected outputs and potential participants. They shared a similar interest in developing the joint summer school programme and set up a cooperation mechanism for collaborative academic programs and research in architecture, civil engineering, engineering management, transport, urban development etc.

The discussion was very collegial and productive and will continue between the two universities. The IURC-China team will further facilitate each side to pin down the cooperation framework and funding for the academic cooperation.