
< 2022 >
March 25
  • 25
    March 25, 2022

    IURC CHINA 线上专题研讨会:绿色循环经济与基于自然的解决方案

    09:00 -11:00



    世界各国高度重视制定战略和行动来优化基础设施和资源管理,以应对资源枯竭、气候变化和生态系统退化的挑战。 基于自然的解决方案(Nature-based Solution, NBS)和循环经济(Circular Economy, CE)可以为这种变革提供工具。基于自然的解决方案的与循环经济的概念相结合,有利于生态环境的修复,并将资源循环利用。 蓝-绿基础设施、综合水管理、ICT 等被认为是与可持续发展目标相关的循环经济和基于自然的解决方案工具。


    在欧盟和中国,为了保护城市和农村地区可持续的资源和生态系统,基于自然的解决方案和循环经济是未来发展的重点。欧盟的立法、项目和行动计划都认可基于自然的解决方案和循环经济的优点,例如《欧洲资源效率路线图》(2011年)、《欧洲绿色新政》(2020年)、城市绿化UP试点项目(2017-2022年)和proGIreg 试点项目(2018-2023年);中国自2013年开启 “海绵城市计划”,并在30多个试点城市发展绿色和蓝色基础设施。国家发改委印发的《2015年循环经济推进计划》和《循环发展引领行动》加强了循环经济在城市、工业和农业发展中的有效实施。欧盟和中国都采取了雄心勃勃的循环经济行动计划,鼓励通过更多的回收和再利用来实现产品生命周期的 “闭环”,从而带来巨大的环境和经济效益。


    此次研讨会是欧盟国际城市与区域合作IURC China项目合作专题组工作会议的一部分,为案例城市和区域提供机会交流和分享如何通过基于自然的解决方案和循环经济的方式,实现绿色和数字化转型,并讨论中欧合作如何能协助实现上述目标。


    Source: F.Masi, A.Rizzo, M.Regelsberger (2018). The role of constructed wetlands in a new circular economy, resource oriented, and ecosystem services paradigm. Journal of Environmental Management.









    (1)IURC China“基于自然的解决方案和循环经济”专题合作小组内的中欧案例城市及区域

    (2)受邀的IURC 全球社区成员




    IURC China Thematic Webinar: Nature-Based Solutions for Circular Cities and Regions

    09:00 -11:00



    Strategies and actions are needed worldwide to optimize the infrastructure and resource management to confront the challenges of resource depletion, climate change and degradation of ecosystems.  Nature-based solutions (NBS) and circular economy (CE) can provide tools for this transition. Implementation of NBS, combined with the concept of the circular economy benefits the ecosystem services and returns resources to the territory.  Blue-green infrastructure in smart cities, integrated water management, ICT etc. are considered as enabling tools for NBS in the circular economy (CE) linking to Sustainable Development Goals.


    At the EU level and national level, NBS and CE are major parts of future developments in order to provide sustainable resources and ecosystems in urban and rural areas. The proven benefits of NBS and CE is shown in EU legislations, projects and action plans, e.g., The Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe (2011), The European Green Deal (2020), URBAN GreenUP (2017− 2022) and proGIreg (2018− 2023); The Chinese government initiated the “Sponge City Program” (2013) and adopted more than 30 pilot cities for green and blue infrastructure development. The Circular Economy Promotion Plan (NDRC, 2015) and Leading Actions on Circular Development (NDRC, 2016) enhance the CE implementation in urban, industry and agriculture development. Both the EU and China adopted the ambitious CE action plans, which encourage ‘closing the loop’ of product lifecycles through greater recycling and reuse, with significant environmental and economic benefits.


    The webinar is organized as a part of the IURC China thematic cluster working session, aiming to share how cities and regions achieve green and digital transformation by NBS and CE approaches and discuss how EU-China cooperation can help them to reach the goals.

    Source: F.Masi, A.Rizzo, M.Regelsberger (2018). The role of constructed wetlands in a new circular economy, resource oriented, and ecosystem services paradigm. Journal of Environmental Management.




    Through deep multilateral discussion, this thematic webinar seeks to showcase challenges and solutions of Nature-Based Solutions and Circular Economy in enhancing economic development, social inclusion and innovation in IURC pilot cities & regions and offer them a framework to:


    (1). Share perspectives, policy initiatives, and best practices in NBS and CE

    (2). Identify potential common projects and relevant stakeholders to address the transition to a green and circular economy.




    This webinar will take place among:


    (1). stakeholders from IURC China pilot cities and regions in the thematic group of NBS and CE;

    (2). invited participants from IURC global community.




    Read the highlights from the event