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    June 2, 2022

    IURC China 研讨会:区域创新与智慧专业化战略

    09:00 -11:00




    欧盟自2002年以来实施了区域创新战略(RIS),以实现可持续、包容性和智慧增长。区域决策者以确保当地民生的优先战略,采取促进创新、创业和经济增长的区域政策,并融入国际合作网络。欧盟委员会将投资政策与区域知识创新能力所面临的挑战和需求相结合,并通过三螺旋方法(学术界、工业界和政府的互动)提高区域的竞争力。自 2014 年以来,中国一直在发展战略区域创新生态系统,特别是在环渤海湾地区、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲。山东省也将制造业从传统汽车行业向电动汽车和工业互联转型。通过借鉴不同地区发展创新生态系统的良好实践,中国正在发展其独特的区域创新战略,多方利益协作,共同发展。




    此次研讨会是作为欧盟国际城市与区域合作 IURC China 项目合作专题组工作会议的一部分,旨在分享各地区如何在区域发展议程中实现绿色和数字转型,并讨论中欧合作如何能协助实现上述目标。





    1. 分享观点、政策倡议和最佳实践

    2. 确认潜在的合作项目和利益相关者,以应对绿色及数字经济的转型




    1. IURC China“区域创新与智慧和可持续专业化战略”专题合作小组内案例城市及区域的利益相关方

    2. 受邀的IURC 全球社区成员


    日期:2022年6月2日 北京时间下午3-5点





    IURC China Webinar: Regional Innovation & Smart Sustainable Specialization Strategies

    09:00 -11:00



    In the past two decades, regional innovation development policies have been widely discussed and implemented throughout the world. It is essential for the national and local governments to develop a strong innovation ecosystem, and react to the growing challenges of societies. Nowadays active circulation of know-how and innovation significantly contributes to the regional development and quality of life of the people.


    The EU has implemented the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) since 2002 to enable sustainable, inclusive, and smart growth. Regional decision-makers endeavour to adopt regional policies to ensure local thematic priorities and foster innovation, growth, and entrepreneurship and participate in international cooperation network. The European Commission aligned the investment policies to the challenges and needs for knowledge-based regional development and increased the region´s competitiveness with the triple helix approach (interaction of academic, industry and government). Since 2014, China has been developing the strategic regional innovation ecosystem, especially in Bohai Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. Shandong province also transformed the manufacturing sector from the automobile industry to E-automobiles and Industrial Internet. Learning from the good practices of developing innovation ecosystems in different regions, China is developing its unique regional innovation strategies with the co-evolution of multiple stakeholders.


    In 2020, under the framework of the EU-China Regional Policy Dialogue, a joint study of EU-China Regional Innovation was conducted by IUC (the previous phase of IURC). The study highlighted China´s experience in the regionalization of national innovation policy and the EU´s experience in the role of regions as independent actors developing an independent vision and strategy for innovation.


    This webinar is organized as a part of the IURC China thematic cluster working session, aiming to share how regions achieve green and digital transformation in regional development agendas and discuss how EU-China cooperation can help them to reach the goals.




    Through deep multilateral discussion, this thematic webinar seeks to showcase challenges and solutions of developing a regional innovation ecosystem, enhance green development, social inclusion and innovation in IURC pilot cities & regions and provide them with a networking opportunity to:

    1. Share perspectives, policy initiatives, and best practices

    2. Identify potential common projects and relevant stakeholders to address the transition to a green and digital economy.




    This webinar will take place among:

    1. stakeholders from IURC China pilot cities and regions in the thematic group of Regional Innovation & Smart and Sustainable Specialization Strategies;

    2. invited participants from IURC global community.




    Read the highlights from the event

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