Retrofitting Social Houses and Buildings: Reducing Labour and Achieveing Net-Zero Energy Performance


    2023-11-22 16:00 - 17:00

    2023-11-22 11:00 - 12:00



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2023-11-22 16:00 - 17:00

Cities face significant challenges in decarbonizing and improving the resilience of their aging housing stock. Panelization promises to reduce the labour involved with deep retrofits. This presentation covers Canada's first panelized retrofit to achieve net-zero energy performance, the Presland Net-Zero PEER Pilot.


Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) will share the results of this ambitious project, which represents a replicable, scalable model for retrofits nationwide. OCH will explain its role as a general contractor and panel fabricator. Dan Dicaire and Mark Carver will also share details from the construction process, monitoring, and results from actual energy and hygrothermal performance vs. modeled results.


One year post-retrofit, the presenters will reflect on the approach used and lessons learned, costs, supply chain issues, tenant impacts, and the role prefabrication may play in addressing aging affordable housing. The Prefabricated Exterior Energy Retrofit (PEER) Guide will be shared, including step–by–step technical guidance for replicating such a project.



Presentation Net-Zero PEER Pilot