Event Tags: sustainable

Webinar. Inclusive recycling

The webinar "Inclusive recycling " organized by the International Urban and Regional Cooperation Latin America (IURC-LAC) Programme introduced inclusive recycling and the potential of integrating the empowerment of vulnerable women with sustainable practices that incorporate technology and both financial and mobility solutions. Space The full agenda of the event is available here Space Download the presentations here Space Read the...

Webinar. Rehabilitation Strategies for Historic Centres: case studies from Naples, Manaus, and Cienfuegos

The webinar "Rehabilitation strategies for Historic Centres: case studies from Naples, Manaus, and Cienfuegos", organized by the International Urban and Regional Cooperation Latin America (IURC LAC) Programme, presented multisectoral strategies and lessons learned in the rehabilitation of historic city centres, as a way for integral territorial recovery and revitalization. Space The full agenda of the event is available here Space...