Category: News from NA

Best Practice: Public Procurement for Cities

Public procurement in the EU, US, and Canada involves trillions of dollars annually, presenting a significant opportunity to drive market transformation, innovation, and sustainable supply chains. However, few municipalities have fully leveraged this potential to achieve economic, social, and environmental gains. This massive spending power can drive sustainable change! By embracing circular procurement, cities can create new local jobs, reduce waste,...

Circular Procurement in Action

The circular economy has gained in popularity because its basic principles, such as designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems, can be applied at various scales, and the potential benefits are broad. Considering the core competencies of municipal governments, cities can play a well-rounded role in the circular economy by promoting the...

Best Practice: Planning to Unlock the Potential of Circular Cities

Our first best practice on Circular Economy explores how cities are increasingly adopting systemic and integrated planning approaches to enhance their resilience and address challenges like climate change, population growth, and food security. The circular economy has gained traction because its principles can be applied at various scales and offer broad benefits. Effective planning is crucial to harness the circular...

Affordable Housing: Shifting the Paradigm

On the 20th of June, 2024, we had an engaging webinar on affordable housing, a key element in urban planning with profound impacts on social equity, economic stability, and community well-being. Discover in this webinar how a paradigm shift in affordable housing is necessary and achievable, and learn how high-quality, affordable housing can promote positive behavioral changes among residents, benefiting...

IURC North America 2021-2023 Final Publication

The second phase of the IURC North America program witnessed significant achievements, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among cities. This phase comprised 8 city-to-city cooperation pairings and trios, along with 4 thematic networks, uniting over 50 different cities. Together, they participated in 6 thematic events and 20 technical webinars, culminating in the publication of a comprehensive guide capturing the results...

Circular Economy Primer: Promoting and Facilitating Change in Your City

In the past three years, collaborations, investments, and knowledge sharing has multiplied on themes related to the circular economy (CE). Networks, knowledge-sharing hubs, and training tools are bringing to light the CE innovations and best practices in fields such as waste and water management, land-use planning, transportation, infrastructure and buildings, agriculture, and food systems. Download the presentations The cities...

Shaping the Future of Sustainable and Resilient Cities Through International Cooperation

Climate change and environmental deterioration have become central to cities’ urban development plans. As a result, the European Union’s IURC program facilitates the exchange of challenges and solutions internationally to accelerate the reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions and improve the quality of life in urban areas. Download Presentations This first online session of 2024 was an opportunity for cities to contribute insights and propose...

Cities Learning from Cities: Results from IURC NA 2

During the last online session of IURC North America in 2023, cities participating in the second phase of IURC North America talked about how the knowledge exchanged with peers through online sessions, study visits, and networking events has influenced their work and plans for the future. Download Presentations Alyssa Muto from San Diego discussed how participating in IURC has influenced her work...

Cities Learning from Cities:
The Success of IURC North America’s Second Phase

In 2021, the second phase of the IURC North America (IURC NA) program was launched, marking a significant milestone in the collaborative effort towards sustainable urban development. The IURC NA network, comprising over 50 cities from the European Union, the United States, and Canada, was strategically divided into four thematic networks: Waste Management and Circular Economy, Sustainable Urban Mobility and...

Cities from IURC NA and LA Present in Brussels Results from their Cooperation

On October 23rd, a cohort of 28 cities and regions gathered in Brussels, Belgium, to present the activities undertaken during their participation in IURC, lessons learned, and plans for the future of their cooperation. This event allowed representatives to share their experiences and make new connections. The afternoon started with a welcome message from Ronnie Hall, Senior Adviser for DG REGIO. He...