Category: News from IURC

European city or region? Apply Now To Go International

Did you miss our Landing IURC event? Watch the recording here or consult the presentation here. The doors are open for you to apply for the International Urban and Regional Cooperation programme, an opportunity for your city or region and local stakeholders to pair up with cities in Asia, Australasia and Latin and North America to exchange on sustainability and innovation,...

IURC-China Team Discussed with Rome for Co-hosting a Thematic Workshop in Yangzhou and Rome

Follow up with the opening of Yangzhou International Horticulture Expo, IURC-China team discussed with Rome city for co-hosting a thematic workshop held in Rome city and Yangzhou Expo’s Rome Pavilion. The Rome Garden “Hortus Romani” in Yangzhou Expo, showcasing sustainable urban development concepts and best practices, are particularly focusing on energy efficiency, architecture design and public space. [caption id="attachment_4606" align="alignnone"...

Why EU cities and regions must be international

“We are major advocates of the need for a territorial justice and for territorial development and we have been now 30 years in this business.” This passion for justice, according to Ronald Hall, Senior adviser to the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, made the International Urban and Regional Cooperation programme a natural step for DG REGIO. Watch or...

Successful collaboration with Latin American cities

Successful collaboration with Latin American cities IURC Latin America offers the opportunity to work in countries with significant populations, with the six largest emerging economies of Latin America, with great investment opportunities in renewable energy, innovation, urban planning, housing, and infrastructure, including mobility and transport. The selected economies have important trade and investment agreements with the European Union, as well...

A digital international city

Looking for a neat interactive experience strolling through a digital international city? Our virtual brochure is populated by characters and quotes that will help guide you to understand the virtues of international cooperation, how the programme works, and what it holds for you. This animated experience lets you browse the geographical areas of the world and discover how they benefited...


Interview with Sandra Marín (Team Leader & KE IURC Central Coordination Service) What is IURC? What is the vision for what it will achieve? I personally like to define this programme as a “Facilitator” to open opportunities for cities and regions to go a step further in their sustainable urban development or regional innovation strategies. What kind of opportunities? Those...

The International Horticultural Exposition 2021 Opened on April 8 in Yangzhou

After 5 years of preparations, the Yangzhou International Horticultural Exposition opened on April 8, 2021. IURC-China was honored to participate in this event. The previous phase of IURC-China programme, the IUC-Asia programme was a platform for EU-China urban cooperation. Last year it facilitated the International Horticultural Exposition Yangzhou to invite European cities to take part. Consequently, Barcelona, Nuovo Circondario Imolese...