Category: News from Asia & Australasia

First group of EU city delegates visit Malaysia

Study Visit to Melaka City (Malaysia) by Nuovo Circondario Imolese (NCI) Bologna Delegation (Italy), 16 May to 19 May 2022 IURC Asia & Australasia organised its second study visit to Melaka in May 2022. The Nuovo Circondario Imolese (NCI) Bologna government delegation was led by Mr. Marco Panieri, Mayor of Imola, President of NCI Nuovo Circondario Imolese and Deputy Mayor of...

Malaysia takes the lead in study visits

Study Visit to Portuguese cities cluster (Maia, Famalicão, Braga) by George Town Delegation from Penang (Malaysia), 25-30 April 2022 IURC Asia & Australasia commenced its first study visit to Europe in the beginning of Q2 2022. The George Town government delegation was led by Honourable Phee Boon Poh, Penang State Minister for Environment and Welfare, and consisted of three other...

How Cities Achieve Sustainable Diets and Nutrition

After the success of the previous food policy training on governance in April, the second MUFPP and IURC webinar was held on 24 May 2022. The webinar presented how cities can promote sustainable diets, better consumption, and nutrition patterns in their communities through a variety of public services such as school canteens, child nutrition, and food assistance programmes. Cécile Michel,...

Study visit of Japanese delegation to Sweden and Italy

A delegation from Kamakura, Japan visited Umeå, Sweden and Venice, Italy from 13-23 May 2022 via the IURC programme. Kamakura's main interest in the first portion of the European visit was to see first-hand how Umeå manages the guiding of tourists and citizens toward more sustainable consumption. The second half of the trip focused on how Venice manages sustainable tourism...

DEADLINE EXTENDED: EU-Japan Region-to-Region Innovation Cooperation – APPLY NOW!

5 Regions from different Member States of the EU and 5 Prefectures from Japan will soon be selected to exchange best practices and knowledge to improve and to internationalise their respective regional innovation strategies while promoting international value chains. The EU-Japan Region-to-Region Innovation Cooperation is a project of the European Union managed by the Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) and the...

Busan and Rotterdam gear up for upcoming visits

Before their scheduled study visit in July, IURC partners Busan and Rotterdam sat down for another bilateral meeting in May. As Busan will be hosting Rotterdam in July, Busan shared their upcoming study visit plan, while Rotterdam narrowed down their interests and potential topics of cooperation to explore during their study visit. Rotterdam opened with a presentation sharing about Rotterdam’s...

Leuven representative meet in Gwalior

Representatives from Gwalior, Leuven and IURC met on 25 April 2022 in Gwalior to promote the cooperation on business incubator support and plan the exchange visit of 4 delegates from Gwalior to Leuven between 16-19 May 2022. Mr Geert Robberechts, Director of India House Leuven, visited the city to conduct a preliminary assessment of the incubator services. He met with...

7th Thematic Webinar: Flood Management

Within the thematic network "Ecological Transition-Green Deal,” IURC in India is working with 6 cities on the topic of flood management. On 12th April 2022, IURC hosted a thematic cluster webinar on ‘Nature-based solutions for flood management’. This event aspired to facilitate exchange of best practices on flood prevention, an early warning system and flood management coping mechanisms. City officials...

Thai cities are very focused on cooperation topics with EU cities

While Thai cities were among the last to join the IURC programme, they are very focused on the topics of cooperation with EU cities, thus enabling quick progress and paving the way for the study visits that should begin in June. Left: Meeting between Chiang Mai and Granada on 4 April, also attended by the Chiang Mai mayor himself. Right:...

IURC Cities Share Food Governance Best Practices

Following the introductory webinar of the Asia Pacific Food Policy Training organised in March, IURC and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) hosted the first webinar dedicated to the governance of food systems on 05 April. The event facilitated an exchange of experience and best practices that cities have in consolidating their political and technical commitment to the food...